Property, IT and Tech Websites in Nigeria
Property Development
4 years ago
The world was already driven by digitalisation, but the Corona virus pandemic has further quickened the need to go Digital. People, who were slow adopters, have been forced to join the train.
The Nigerian real estate sector has not been left out in the drive to go digital and adopt technology. Over the years real estate services in Nigeria have adopted technology and gone online, but offerings are not too advanced.
The majority of platforms basically serve the same purpose of advertising/listing of property such as bare land, flats, houses, or commercial property for sale or lease. All you have to do is sign up on any of their websites either as a property owner or agent, fill in the required details on the website and voila!!!
Here are a few of the top players who we applaud for blazing the trail in Nigeria. 1. 2. 3. However, this is just the tip of digital tech for real estate. More advanced technologies like 3D printing, VR enabled tours, Big Data, robotics, AI and virtual real estate agents are yet to take Nigeria digital real estate space to the next level
After doing a bit of searching, we found a few Nigerian companies adopting technology that’s yet to become common place in our environment. An example is who specialise in 3D scanning and creating Virtual tours. Other players in this space are and
Quickly going back to the popular rental and sales listing sites, we discovered some break out sites that have differentiated this sector. is a rental and sales listing site, but instead of just using pictures which is the norm, they have differentiated their offering by adopting virtual property tours and video walkthroughs that let you inspect a house from the comfort of your home.
JV Pulse is another prime example (of course we have to blow our trumpet) is a listing site, but serving the niche market of property Joint ventures by Connecting and helping investors form collaborative partnerships for property development. In raw terms JV Pulse creates an innovative way to fund /finance property development. We are a tech driven finance platform for real estate and working to adopt 360 virtual tours into our operations.
Clearly there’s still a lot of catching up to do in the area of technology adoption in the Nigerian real estate. Nigeria has always been a leader on the African continent and we look forward to seeing more innovation.