What Attracts a Property Developer to a Joint Venture Offer? - New


Would it be useful to have a formula that tells you how to successfully get property developers for your joint venture offers? I bet it would be.

Lots of people are successful in life just because they had someone to show them what to do. The good news is that JV Pulse has made it our mission to help you find out how to successfully package Joint Venture offers for real estate development.

Let’s be honest, we don’t have a crystal ball and don’t claim to know everything. There really is no ‘one size fits all’ formular but, we do know how to carry out research, and can find the factors that significantly improve your chances.

Because knowledge is powerful, what we have done is search out some of the most successful and prolific property developers across Nigeria. They use Joint ventures as part of their real estate development strategy and are going to tell us their secrets.

We want to know what gets them excited when they see your joint venture offers. We will ask them insightful questions on your behalf, which will reveal the factors that closes a deal.

Hold on a moment!

We are doing this for you!

To make sure we ask the right questions about Joint ventures, you need to tell us what you want to know.

Just type your questions about joint ventures below in the comments box and we will make sure to get them answered.

We start engaging the property developers in the next couple of days so make sure you ask your questions on time, to have them answered.

